Please note that Pleatco does not sell direct to the public, however we are more than happy to point you in the right direction towards a Pleatco partner store near you or online.
At Pleatco, our goal is to provide you, with a quality customer support experience whatever the need may be. Whether trying to identify your filter for replacement or you need some help understanding how to remove, clean or replace your cartridge we are here to find answers and solve problems. If you are a business we are more than happy to help you with your orders and deliveries. Our Free Hotline is open during 9am – 5pm -EST – business hours and we respond to web inquiries within a day.
We are proud to introduce our FREE V3.0 smart application for your mobile device. Now you can have instant information in the field and on call.
Includes the Pleatco Poolmate customer management tool.
At Pleatco we are driven by an innate desire to build the highest quality products possible. We live by the mantra of ‘constant improvement’ in every facet of our business.
Check out our latest news and press release archives as well as press and editorial coverage. At Pleatco we are proud to support the major industry publications both in the USA and internationally.
To honestly be a part of a community you have to actively participate and occasionally strut your stuff.
One thing we pride ourselves on at Pleatco is thinking outside of the box. We like to not only lead in technology but also participate in our industry and have some fun. One truly unique Pleatco moment was when, with the help of the Hanley Wood Event team, we staged a major flash mob happening at the 2010 National Pool & Spa Expo in Las Vegas. To all of those who participated and enjoyed this experience – we thank you.
We hope you have a great experience with Pleatco. We take your comments and recommendations very seriously and incorporated the input an integral part of our ongoing process to improve our products and services.
We look forward to any feedback you may have.